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Effect of Modern Day Chemicals on the Environment

Recent studies have proven that car wash chemicals have an impact on the environment. Primarily, it is water drainage which is associated with car wash chemicals. Many car washing soaps contain harmful chemicals which have been proven to degrade water quality. However, this pollution problem is only becomes harmful when chemicals are mixed with the grime and grease which are washed off of the car. Most car washes consume at least 150 litres of water per car. This water runoff will then likely be washed down a nearby stormwater drain. This water runoff can do two things depending on it's location; travel to water treatment centres or travel into a large body of water. Water runoff which ends up in treatment centres affects the water we drink and the runoff which travels into large bodies of water can affect animals and crops. Regardless of who the pollution directly affects, or how it directly affects the environment, it is definitely not good. On the flip side, not washing your car can also leave a harmful environmental footprint. Water discharge from a dirty car will leave a polluted trail. That is why it is necessary to also keep your vehicle clean, and clean it in an environmentally friendly way.



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